Cookie Policy


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer, tablet or mobile phone.

How the website uses cookies

Cookies are necessary for the website to work. Cookies help us get data from website vistors so we can continuously optimize and adjust the content of the website to match users needs and interests.Cookies can remember what you have added to the cart on previous visits to the page, whether you are logged in and what language and currency you want the page to display. We also use cookies to target our ads to you on other websites and to displayed as relevant content to you as possible.

How long are cookies stored?

How long cookies are stored on your device may vary. The retention time is counted from the last time you visited the website. The cookie is automatically deleted when the expiry time is reached.

Manage cookies from

Below you can read about all the Cookies used and manage the type of Cookie you receive from



Questions ?

If you have any questions about cookies please email us on [email protected].

Anwers about handeling you personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy.

© 2025 | KARTBUTIKKEN | Email: [email protected]